Sunday, December 28, 2008


Yesterday, had an argument with my mum over some stupid matter. I wanted to wear a tudung(scarf) to go out. But she scolded me in mandarin "blah.blah.blah.blah. char bor." That's all I could hear. Lol. Like wth. Thank god my dad was on my side. My dad argued with her on the phone, telling her that she should encourage me to wear it, and besides, I was going out with my dad not her. She was unsatisfied, therefore, she called me and told me sternly that i could never ask her about anything at all. She only here to make sure we go to school. And I said "k". I didn't want to give her the pleasure of satisfaction. Why should I ? Anyway, we dropped by a wedding and ate. It was my uncle's wife's cousin's wedding. Mum didnt cook anything so I was really hungry and thirsty. Then, went to white sands cos mum insisted i met up with her to change into tee and jeans. Fine, i went there. She was slightly happier than before. Changed, and when to the cinema. Syahmi wanted to poo. Wth. Waited for him for a like a good fifteen minutes while the show started. oh btw, we watched Yes Man :D hees. Reminded me of Liar Liar. Funny movie really. Then after watching, sleepy. but had to go to my uncle's house. The same uncle who was related to the wedding. His wife is generous as usual. She gave me like 4 notebooks ftom the police post. And two delicious cupcakes from the wedding dinner and a big bag of nasi bryani. Yum ! Oh, and I'm really late for the BBQ that Firdaus told me to come, right now. Haha.

Oh btw, Syakir, may karma hit you harder than a bitch would. I hope you and your generation suffer. I officially H.A.T.E you.


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